Strange People doing Weird Stuff. Some people don' t have to do anything strange - they are strange. This is where you'll find photos and videos of weirdos, oddballs, screwballs and misfits, all marching to a different drummer. Then again, maybe you will discover that you are not so weird after all.

May 13, 2020 · 10 Strange Fetishes Tame Enough For YouTube. Some fetishes are sneaky. They are so weird and non-sexual, that they can be uploaded to YouTube and "enjoyed" by anyone. Feb 08, 2018 · YouTube is the home ground of some of the most viral videos on the internet but it is also filled with weird ones which are available here. Take a look. Oct 26, 2017 · “But wait!” you say,”That was on regular YouTube! What about the YouTube Kids app!” We’ve got some pretty awful news—it was actually easier to find really weird videos when searching for the names of popular characters on the YouTube Kids app than it was on the regular YouTube app. (We’ll touch on why that’s the case in a moment.) May 15, 2016 · Some artists were one hit wonders, with bizarre hits like OMC's "How Bizarre" or "Summer Girls" By LFO. A few of the songs didn't only sound weird, but had equally strange music videos to We find that some viewers are able to more easily find the videos they want to watch when we order the subs feed in a personalized order vs always showing most recent video first." Weird, considering YouTube already offers recommended videos based on your viewing habits and subscribed channels in its sidebar.

Nov 21, 2017 · Earlier this month, journalist James Bridle launched a wide-reaching debate on the "industrialized nightmare production" of YouTube Kids videos. These weren’t overtly violent, sexual, or

Feb 08, 2018 · YouTube is the home ground of some of the most viral videos on the internet but it is also filled with weird ones which are available here. Take a look.

Jun 23, 2017 · Q&A – HATE MAIL – Some Really Weird Youtube Hate Comments. We'll send periodic updates including links to videos that the P.C. Police deem to shocking to list

Weird Rat Torture Channel on Youtube: I recently stubborn upon this really weird youtube channel called 'Mouse King'. He uploads numerous videos about "rat traps" but the way those traps work resembles more torture devices. This YouTube video is really sweet. When a bride and a groom are at the altar exchanging vows, the bride's husband-to-be accidentally says, "My waffl-y wedded wife," instead of "lawfully wedded wife." While recording YouTube videos you probably mess up. A lot. Usually you cut these bloopers out to create a professional looking video but you can create a compilation of your funniest bloopers. 163. Reacting to YouTube comments. Some of the YouTube comments on your videos can be hilarious, weird or funny. Read them out loud and record your